Monday, October 23, 2017

The 7 Key Steps to Molding Successful Plaster Castings in a ComposiMold mold.

The 7 Key Steps to Creating Successful Plaster Castings in a ComposiMold mold.

Making a Plaster of Paris Casting in ComposiMold: 

Follow the basic mold making instructions on our mold making instructions provided with every ComposiMold to make a mold with ComposiMold. The tips below will set you up for success when using plaster of paris, hydrocal, ultracal, dental plaster or other plasters as your casting material. 

Plaster of Paris Casting in ComposiMold
Plaster of Paris Casting in ComposiMold
With ComposiMold, making molds and plaster castings is really easy. Here are seven tips of the trade:

1. Keep the plaster of paris casting material as thick as possible to ensure a strong casting. Start with a ratio of 2.5 parts plaster to 1 part water by volume and if possible reduce the amount of water. If you need more water to make it pourable, add very small amounts.

Mix ratio for Plaster of Paris
Mix ratio for Plaster of Paris 

2. Add a t-spoon of PVA glue such as Elmer's Glue for every cup of water to make the casting stronger. A bit of alum powder will also increase the strength of the plaster of paris.

3. Use talcum powder as a mold release. Sprinkle it into your mold shake it around, and then pour it out. This does two things: works as mold release and also creates a barrier so that the plaster of paris hardens in the ComposiMold. Even better, is a mixture of talcum powder (baby powder) and mineral spirits. 
Plaster of Paris Casting of Buddha
Plaster of Paris Casting of Buddha

4. Pour the plaster into the lowest point of the mold and let it rise upward to help dislodge bubbles.

5. Large plaster of paris castings may need to be cooled. Large for plaster castings would be 500 cubic inches or so, so pretty large.Typically, plaster does not create a large exotherm, but for very large castings, this may occur. This is easy to work around by cooling the ComposiMold mold first in the freezer or refrigerator. 

6. Tap and bounce your mold when it is filled with the plaster to dislodge any bubbles to create bubble free castings.

7.  Pull the plaster of paris casting out of the mold as soon as possible and then let it cure for 24 to 48 hours before painting or sealing.

Plaster of Paris Casting of Wood Ornament
Plaster of Paris Casting of Wood Ornament

Experiment: With ComposiMold you can make lots of different molds with the same mold making material. Make a mold, cast your plaster of paris, and do it again. Simple, effective, and fun.

Plaster of Paris makes a nice casting material for teaching mold making because it is relatively inexpensive. It can also be painted, sanded, and fixed easily.


  1. This is mold making supplies nice masterpiece. I tried this one in our class and it really makes me happy. By the way, thank you for sharing this tutorials steps.


Enjoy Mold Making and Casting with ComposiMold, ImPRESSive Putty, and EpoxyColors